Global Missions Trip 2025 | Nigeria



  • Travel Date: July 11 - July 28, 2025
  • Participants are asked to follow the guidelines outlined in the Team Covenant. 
  • Mission trips can be rewarding and life-changing; however, they can also be stressful.  Please consider factors in your personal life at this time that may distract and prohibit you from fully committing to the mission of the trip and adapting to unusual conditions.
  • Team meetings are designed to inform and prepare you for the mission. Once accepted, team members are expected to attend ALL team meetings whether via phone, email or in person.
  • All costs are the team member’s responsibility and due several weeks prior to departure (Deadline TBA. The Trip Cost of $3,200, must be raised or funded by the attendee.  The total cost includes flight to Nigeria, internal flights in Nigeria, food, shelter and transportation).
  • If you are unable to participate in the trip for any reason, the Trip Administrator must receive cancellation notice as soon as possible.  You may be responsible for all late cancellation costs. 
  • If you have physical/health limitations or accommodations needed, you must notify ISABB mission team leader of these conditions and obtain medical clearance from your primary care provider if you participate in the mission trip.
  •  Please apply for a trip in which you are physically able to participate.  Some trips may be prohibitive for certain physical conditions.  Team members will be given information regarding passports and vaccination recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  Passport and vaccination costs are NOT included in trip costs and are the responsibility of the team member.  Team members assume the responsibility and liability for their personal health decisions.


-- IF you have questions about how to obtain a passport or Nigerian Visa, please contact the Trip Administrator as soon as you submit the application. 

  Additional information regarding the price and dates for this mission trip is available from the Trip Administrator.  

As a member of this team, I agree to:

1. Remember that I am representing Jesus Christ as well as my home church, Bethel Campus Fellowship (BCF), and the International Society of African Bioscientists and Biotechnologists Inc. I will model Jesus in my behavior and attitude.
2. Remember that I am a guest working at the invitation of my hosts. I will remember the missionary’s prayer: “Where you lead me I will follow. What they feed me I will eat.”
3. Remember that I have come to learn, as well as to teach. I’ll resist the temptation to inform our hosts about “How we do things.” I’ll be open to learning about other people’s methods and ideas.
4. Develop and maintain a servant attitude toward all ministry partners/nationals and my teammates.
5. Respect my team leader(s) and his or her decisions.
6. Refrain from gossip.
7. Refrain from complaining. I know that travel can present numerous unexpected and undesired circumstances, but the rewards of conquering such circumstances are innumerable. Instead of whining and complaining, I’ll be creative and supportive.
8. Attend ALL team meetings before the trip as well as any follow-up meetings.
9. Refrain from any activity that could be construed as romantic interest internationally or my teammates.
10. Refrain from illegal drugs and abstain from consumption of alcoholic beverages or the use of tobacco while on this trip.
11. Refrain from teaching or the practice of any belief that would be contrary to the Word of God.

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